
The following characteristics embody the spirit of the movement.


We hold that human life is sacred from conception to natural death because God is the creator. We are to defend the lives of those who cannot defend themselves.


God said that life is in the blood. The shedding of innocent blood demands retribution or atonement. Jesus’ blood is our only means of redemption.


They will know we are christians by our love. We love babies and mothers and fathers. We are committed to sacrificial love and compassion toward all.


Our worship and devotion to God is at the center of all we are as individuals and as a movement.


Prayer is how we connect with God, and how His will is released on earth. It’s fundamental to the Christian life and fundamental to establishing justice.


Fasting is a biblical truth and mandate for individual, corporate and national repentance and transformation. Fasting gives wings to our prayers.


The Bible is flawless and complete. It is the foundation of truth for our prayers. God calls those things that are not as though they are.


Voting is a privilege and duty of God’s people. Voting for pro-life candidates promotes Godly values in government and society. You cannot pray for the ending of abortion and promote those who support it.


When God says “Go,” we go.


We do not use physical force to get our message across. We stand in silence and humility. “It’s not a protest. It’s a prayer meeting.”


Silent Sieges

Public stands of silent prayer wearing Life Tape in front of courthouses and abortion centers around the nation.


Millions of Christians wearing a red wristband engraved with the word LIFE. Those that wear the Life Band make a three-part commitment to pray, vote and obey.