The Abortion Industry

5 Reasons Why Planned Parenthood Must Stop Receiving Our Tax Dollars

Planned Parenthood makes many lofty claims about its “services” critical to women’s health. But just digging a little deeper into its actual practices and history reveals something much less positive — and a lot more sinister.

As a pro-life blogger and speaker, who escaped abortion myself in Communist China, and chose life for my “imperfect” child, I feel called to expose abortion lies wherever I see them. This weekend, tens of thousands of people will protest Planned Parenthood nationwide; it’s a critical moment to raise awareness of the abortion giant and its misdeeds.

More than any organization in America, Planned Parenthood is responsible for perpetrating lies about abortion — and lies about its own “women’s health” services. There’s no doubt, the public relations strategy of the abortion giant is built on deception.

If the American public really knew the truth about Planned Parenthood, I truly believe most Americans would immediately stop supporting and defending it. That’s why my latest video gives five reasons why Planned Parenthood must stop receiving our tax funding — the entire $553 million dollars they currently receive annually.

In fact, Congress will soon begin debate over a budget reconciliation bill on this issue. We can expect mainstream media to go crazy over this bill, claiming it will harm women’s health. But the truth is, all it will do is halt abortion providers from receiving about 75 percent of their current taxpayer funding for one year.

I’d call that a good first step, and here are five reasons why.

1. Planned Parenthood has disturbing eugenics origins.

Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was a racist eugenicist. She wholeheartedly believed in weeding out the “undesirables,” as she called them — like blacks, minorities, the disabled, the poor, and the “feeble-minded.” She was a white supremacist. She proudly spoke to the KKK.

Sanger openly supported forced sterilization and birth control, especially for the black community. She started Planned Parenthood as a “non-profit” to funnel her eugenics goals. Sadly, the organization still honors its disturbing founder with its annual Margaret Sanger Award.

2. Planned Parenthood still targets blacks and minorities.

Seventy-eight percent of its clinics are in minority communities! This is evident in abortion statistics. Blacks are three times more likely to have an abortion than a white woman. Hispanic women are two timesmore likely to have an abortion than a white woman.

And tragically, more black babies are aborted than born alive in New York City.

Young mother and blogger Lisa Smiley raises her family in the Dallas area (Photo: Tracey Wong / The Image Talks)

Young mother and blogger Lisa Smiley raises her family in the Dallas area (Photo: Tracey Wong / The Image Talks)

3. The claim that Planned Parenthood does “so much good” besides abortion is a lie.

In reality, the business is built on abortion because it is its biggest moneymaker. Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson has shared at length about the organization’s disturbing abortion quotas.

Live Action has debunked the myth that abortion makes up only 3% of its services. In the past, the organization has shut down clinics that didn’t provide abortions.

4. Planned Parenthood does not provide comprehensive healthcare.

A practicing OB-GYN in Tennessee, Dr. Brent Boles has pointed out that these abortion centers actually offers women very limited healthcare — far less than what you get at a doctor’s office or other health clinic.

The organization claimed that it provided mammograms — that but turned out to be a sham. It recently scrubbed the phrase “prenatal care” from websites — because their abortion centers offer no such thing. It claimed that if it got defunded, millions of women would lose health care access — but that is another lie.

The $400 million it would lose in Medicaid funding (in the soon-to-come budget bill) would actually get redirected to 13,000 health care clinics that offer many more services than Planned Parenthood. Women have far better health care options.

Planned Parenthood currently receives over $553 million in taxpayer funding every year (Photo: Wikimedia)

Planned Parenthood currently receives over $553 million in taxpayer funding every year (Photo: Wikimedia)

5. Planned Parenthood is guilty of illegally selling aborted baby parts.

In 2015, the Center for Medical Progress led a huge undercover investigation to expose Planned Parenthood’s illegal activities. Their footage included scenes of executives bargaining over the price of aborted babies, workers admitting to selling “fresh” aborted baby eyes, hearts, and “gonads,” and abortionists illegally changing abortion procedures to get baby organs.

Corruption at the organization has gone on for years. Planned Parenthood has also been caught covering up child sexual abuse, committing Medicaid and taxpayer fraud, illegally dumping aborted babies in landfills, and has a history of violating health and safety standards.

No matter where one stands on the question of when life begins, this budget measure coming before Congress that affects the public funding of abortion providers is one we all should be able to support.

As Planned Parenthood faces greater scrutiny of its practices, women and children will benefit by receiving the care they need from legitimate health providers.

About Lisa Smiley


Lisa Smiley is a mother of four precious children, including one now with his Creator in Heaven. She earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of California-Irvine. Lisa blogs at as well as for Bound4LIFE International, a grassroots movement to pray for the ending of abortion, carry the spirit of adoption, and believe for revival and reformation. Together with her husband James, they raise their family in the Dallas area.

100 Years of Planned Parenthood: Celebrating What Exactly?

One Planned Parenthood experience has remained seared into my memory like no other. I was standing outside of Planned Parenthood in downtown Birmingham, praying on my lunch break. There was a woman across the street at an apartment building, holding her toddler in her arms.

She stared at me for a few minutes before crossing the hot pavement. I saw nervousness in her eyes and a sort of longing that I understood later.

She immediately asked me, “Are you praying?” “Yes. Do you need prayer?” “Yes,” she replied emphatically. I was not prepared to hear the story that would stream out of her mouth.

She asked if I would pray that her husband would come back home. He had run off with a sex trafficking ring that frequented this Planned Parenthood—to perform forced abortions on the women who had become pregnant during their abuse. She explained she had done everything to try to find him and report his crimes to authorities, but there was no hope as of yet.

I asked her if she was certain that Planned Parenthood knew they were performing abortions for abused women held against their will. She responded, “Of course they know! And they never report it.”

My heart was broken in an even deeper way to realize yet another deeply horrific truth of this international abortion mill. There was no darkness too dark for them, no vulnerable woman too vulnerable as long as they were being paid—and I can only assume, being paid even more money to be quiet and not report to authorities.

I wept. The wife and I wept together and we prayed. We prayed her husband would have revelation for his deep sin of being party to these criminal acts and turn himself in. We prayed the ring would be exposed and the precious women rescued. And we prayed for Planned Parenthood to come to an end.

Natalie and Matthew Brumfield of Birmingham adopted their foster child Braxton (Photo Courtesy Bound4LIFE Birmingham)

Natalie and Matthew Brumfield of Birmingham adopted their foster child Braxton (Photo Courtesy Bound4LIFE Birmingham)

This Sunday, October 16, will mark 100 years of Planned Parenthood—a century of the dark, twisted ideals and principles they were founded on, and still fully operate within. People are actually celebrating this morbid anniversary without understanding what they are celebrating. (If they did, they would know Halloween would be a more fitting day.) Without further ado, I will seek to unveil who and what is being celebrated.

In 1916, Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and full supporter of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party, created her back alley birth-control establishment based on a racial genocide agenda—particularly towards African Americans and immigrants who were, in her words, “the unfit” of the population.

The stated goals of Margaret Sanger regarding planned, calculated population reduction fit squarely within the textbook definition of genocide: “Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious or national group. Any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the groups conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

It was with these ideas that Sanger created her illegal, back-alley birth control business in New York City. She strategically placed her first Planned Parenthood center in the Brooklyn borough, where she could get the most access to the people she hated most. She was arrested and put in jail for a month. But she didn’t stop. Today, New York has the highest abortion ratio of any state in the nation.

The birthplace of Planned Parenthood, New York has the highest abortion ratio of any state (Photo: William Gaebler / Flickr)

The birthplace of Planned Parenthood, New York has the highest abortion ratio of any state (Photo: William Gaebler / Flickr)

Here are a few of Margaret Sanger’s most famous quotes and ideals:

“The main objects of the Population Congress would be to apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring[;] to give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization.” –Margaret Sanger (“A Plan for Peace,” 1932).

“Article 1. The purpose of the American Baby Code shall be to provide for a better distribution of babies… and to protect society against the propagation and increase of the unfit.

Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit.

Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth.” –Margaret Sanger (“America Needs a Code for Babies,” March 27, 1934).

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities.  The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” –Margaret Sanger writing on what she termed the ‘Negro Project’ (in a letter to Clarence Gamble, Dec. 10, 1939).

“I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan…I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses…I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak…In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.” –Margaret Sanger (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, p. 366)

Margaret Sanger and fellow eugenics advocate Charles Drysdale in New York in 1925 (Photo: Wikimedia)

Margaret Sanger and fellow eugenics advocate Charles Drysdale in New York in 1925 (Photo: Wikimedia)

The truth is, Margaret Sanger fashioned the eugenics movement in America in the 1930s and 1940s. Her beliefs and those in her communities’ belief in the movement contributed to compulsory sterilization laws in 30 U.S. states that resulted in more than 60,000 sterilizations of vulnerable people, including the people she superficially measured as “feeble-minded,” “idiots” and “morons.”

It’s shocking to realize that in 2016, such a woman as Sanger and her still existing dynasty of Planned Parenthood is celebrated. Four years ago, Sanger was named one of the “20 Most Influential Americans of All Time” by TIME Magazine. There are awards given to women in her name and I shudder to think of someone begin honored by receiving such a dark award.

Many supporters of Planned Parenthood believe the organization that it is today is far removed from Sanger’s early views. But to see that is frankly not the case, one only need hear the words of Dr. Alan Guttmacher, President of Planned Parenthood from 1962-1974, who proudly stated that, “We are merely walking down the path that Mrs. Sanger carved for us.”

Also, to ensure that Sanger’s ideals are maintained her grandson, Alex Sanger, is the current Chair of the International Planned Parenthood Council.

Planned Parenthood currently receives over $500 million in taxpayer funding every year (Photo: Wikimedia)

Planned Parenthood currently receives over $500 million in taxpayer funding every year (Photo: Wikimedia)

How sobering. And with that statement my mind brings me back to that hot, brick-walled sidewalk outside of Planned Parenthood Birmingham. I think of the vulnerable women being trafficked with no voice coming to this dark place, only to be exploited all over again; their babies ripped from their wombs whether they want it done or not, because they don’t view the women as human anymore—they’re “unfit.”

In the twisted view of Margaret Sanger and those who carry her pro-abortion views, these women are “weeds of society” that should be sterilized and segregated. Not worth a call to the police or authorities. Not worth a rescue. How much less must they think of these women’s babies?

According to last year’s Planned Parenthood investigative videos, their babies’ parts were most likely sold to bring even more blood money into their pockets. They exploit women who are trafficked, then sell their babies too.

So I ask, after a century of hate, deceit, darkness, and racial genocide, what is there to celebrate? I pray you see that there is nothing in Planned Parenthood to commend. Instead, we must mourn and fast before the Lord.

Pro-life advocates pray for justice outside the Houston Planned Parenthood abortion center (Photo Courtesy of Bound4LIFE)

Pro-life advocates pray for justice outside the Houston Planned Parenthood abortion center (Photo Courtesy of Bound4LIFE)

We must realize the detriment the past 100 years has wreaked upon our nation:

· 80 percent of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic communities.

· Between 2007 and 2010, nearly 36 percent of all abortions in the U.S were on African American children, even though African Americans only make up 13 percent of our population. Also, 21 percent of abortions were on Hispanics and 7 percent on other minority groups. That is a total of 64 percent of U.S. abortions targeted on minority groups.

· Nearly 60,000,000 abortions in the United States were performed from 1973–2015.

· Based on Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report, an unborn baby dies every 96 seconds inside a Planned Parenthood clinic.

· Planned Parenthood’s revenues for 2013-2014 exceeded $1.3 billion. They report that 41 percent of their income came in the form of “Government Health Services Grants and Reimbursements.”

Planned Parenthood isn’t something to celebrate. It’s a disease that should be thrust out of our nation through prayer and fasting. It has had the wholehearted support of wealthy and influential organizations for far too long.

It has rooted its lies and sickly existence inside our government, receiving over $500 million dollars in U.S. taxpayer funding every year. It receives huge sums of donations, from hotel chains to charities. And year after year, mainstream news coverage turns awayfrom reporting their gross dealings.

It’s time for our moral outcry as a nation to rise up against this evil. And it’s time for Americans to say Enough! to the horrific tragedy of millions of women being exploited, men losing their fatherhood, children being slaughtered and sold, and families being destroyed. This anniversary is a time to mourn and cry. It’s a time to pray and fast.

About Natalie Brumfield


Since 2008, Natalie Brumfield has served as Birmingham chapter leader for Bound4LIFE – a grassroots movement to pray for the ending of abortion and for revival worldwide. She works as children's director at her local church and volunteers at a local pregnancy care center. Natalie and her husband Matthew live in Birmingham, Alabama; they love being adoptive and foster parents.

His Film Was Presented to the Supreme Court in the Texas Case—Now Kermit Gosnell Documentary Director Speaks Out

During oral arguments on March 2 at the Supreme Court in the Texas case Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg asked an important question: “What was the problem the legislature was responding to?”

The answer, in short, is that thousands of women in Texas have been harmed by the abortion industry.

Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan (Photo: Steve Petteway /Wikimedia)

Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan (Photo: Steve Petteway /Wikimedia)

Mainstream media only took notice of this industry due to an unscrupulous abortion center owner in Pennsylvania: Kermit Gosnell, now serving a life sentence for involuntary manslaughter of a woman seeking an abortion at his clinic and first-degree murder of three infants born alive (among other criminal charges).

Filmmaker David Altrogge and his team tell the complete horrific story in 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy—a documentary that surprisingly features the voice of Kermit Gosnell in a leading role. Recorded from his prison cell, Gosnell gave the filmmakers unusual access when they sought out why he maintains his innocence.

Justice demands that we refuse to look away from the truth. In fact, the film makes such a compelling presentation that one Texas-based legal group used a summary and stills from 3801 Lancaster in an amicus brief filed in the Texas case. Altrogge, currently based in Austin, Texas, gives behind-the-scenes insights in our phone interview.

David Altrogge, director of 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy, at the Supreme Court on March 2 (Photo: Josh Shepherd)

David Altrogge, director of 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy, at the Supreme Court on March 2 (Photo: Josh Shepherd)

Bound4LIFE: How did you first hear about the criminal case against Dr. Kermit Gosnell?

David Altrogge: The story of this film on the Gosnell case really started in 2011. I was in a coffee shop in Pittsburgh, sat down and picked up a newspaper. I saw this tiny little column about the Gosnell case, how the grand jury report had just been released.

I was shocked and horrified; I couldn’t believe what I was reading. How does something like this happen in my home state of Pennsylvania?

A couple days later, I get a call from a buddy of mine who lives in Harrisburg. He said, “I don’t know if you’ve heard about this Gosnell case that just broke, but the Philadelphia district attorney Seth Williams is going to be testifying before the State Senate here in Pennsylvania and they’re going to allow the press in. This is pretty unprecedented. I know you’re a filmmaker; you might want to think about coming.”

So my director of photography and I hopped in the car, and drove to Harrisburg to film the hearing. We were just staggered by what was presented; we walked out of there realizing we had to make a film about this.

Bound4LIFE: The film includes a key quote from the District Attorney’s office, that “There’s more oversight in women’s hair salons than abortion clinics in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.” Why do you think abortion has become such a difficult issue to discuss in American society?

David Altrogge: I think that gets to the heart of the film. One of the main reasons we wanted to make 3801 Lancaster is we wanted to spark conversation between people on both sides of the issue.

In effect it says: “Look at this case, here’s the facts of it. Here’s the Grand Jury report, here’s what the police officer said, here’s what Gosnell himself has said. Now why did this happen? What is it about our laws in the state of Pennsylvania and in the country as a whole that allows something like this to happen?”

I think abortion has become such a politicized issue that we forget there are real people at the center of this issue. Real women and real babies—we forget they’re real people. And we just start shouting and screaming. One of my hopes for this film is that it inspires dialogue between people on both sides, pro-life and pro-choice.

Because I think if we keep shouting, if we keep just screaming at each other, there’s not going to be any progress made on this issue.

Photo: 3801 Lancaster Film Project

Photo: 3801 Lancaster Film Project

Bound4LIFE: Your film captures Kermit Gosnell in his own words. How did your relationship with him come about?

David Altrogge: We actually had a version of the film totally finished in 2014 that didn’t have him in it. We were ready to release it, and then at the 11th hour my producer said, “Let’s write to Kermit Gosnell. We know we won’t hear back from him, but we’ll write to him to see if he has any interest.” Then we just went on with business as usual.

But a couple months later, I received a letter from Kermit Gosnell in prison. I remember opening it and my heart was pounding. He said he would be interested in talking about being in the film and sharing his side of the story. That letter led us to almost a year of just getting to know Dr. Gosnell, building a relationship with him.

We exchanged a lot of letters and phone calls. My producer and I went and visited him twice in prison. I think we really had to show him that we weren’t trying to make a film with an agenda before we could finally start rolling tape on that interview. We were just trying to tell the story.

We conducted interviews with him from February to September 2015. That was such an interesting process, the longest interview I’ve ever done. Then we were also able to interview his family. When his family found out we were making the film, they wanted to add their voices and share their perspectives on the case.

Currently serving a life sentence, Kermit Gosnell was recorded in prison for the film (Photo: 3801 Lancaster)

Currently serving a life sentence, Kermit Gosnell was recorded in prison for the film (Photo: 3801 Lancaster)

Bound4LIFE: Kermit Gosnell speaks in the film about preventing “children from growing up in poverty” to justify his abortion practices. How do you respond to these claims?

David Altrogge: For me, those claims are some of the most troubling ones that he makes. And I hear those claims often made by other people as a defense of abortion.

It’s troubling to me because it puts such a limit on people’s potential. Do we look at certain people and say, These are your circumstances; you’re born in poverty. You will never rise above that, so I’m going to be kind and end your life.

Somehow it’s kinder to prevent a person from living, than to give them a chance at living and rising above their circumstances? Is that really how we as a society view compassion? That sort of thinking terrifies me.

3801 Lancaster producer Jen Brown (L), Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz, Nicole Hudgens of Texas Values and 3801 Lancaster director David Altrogge outside the U.S. Supreme Court (Photo Courtesy of Jen Brown)

3801 Lancaster producer Jen Brown (L), Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz, Nicole Hudgens of Texas Values and 3801 Lancaster director David Altrogge outside the U.S. Supreme Court (Photo Courtesy of Jen Brown)

Bound4LIFE: 3801 Lancaster concludes noting how some states have enacted regulations to protect women from the unsafe conditions found at Gosnell’s abortion clinic. What is your perspective on the Supreme Court battle gearing up around the Texas case?

David Altrogge: If the Gosnell case proved anything to me in making this film, it is that: when people choose to turn a blind eye to what’s going on, real people die.

Real people were hurt—real women and babies lost their lives—because the Pennsylvania Department of State and the Department of Health chose to look the other way. Whether you’re pro-life or pro-choice, can’t we at least agree that women deserve better?

If you read the Grand Jury report, the reason they chose not to inspect clinics is because they were afraid that they were going to impede women’s access to abortion. So they chose not to regulate the clinics, and Gosnell operated outside the law. As a result, women died, women were maimed, and babies died.

Whatever happens with laws like the one in Texas, which abortion providers are challenging at the Supreme Court, it’s going to affect real women and real babies. These aren’t abstract laws; women’s safety is in the balance. That’s why I support the law in Texas.

After the film was completed and early screenings began, we were approached by the public interest legal group Texas Values—who wanted to include some of the film’s evidence in an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court. Quotes and even still images from our film are included in the brief, which we hope the justices examine.

What a scene it was outside the court last week. Later I learned that Kermit Gosnell’s name was mentioned seven times during oral arguments inside; this story is very relevant right now.

We’re excited to be to working with Texas Values to raise awareness and start many conversations across America using 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy as a springboard.

Visit for details on film screenings currently planned in cities nationwide. In Part 2 of our interview coming soon, learn why the film also delves into Planned Parenthood abortion practices—and their plans for a nationwide release.

About Terri Shepherd

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For over a decade, Terri Shepherd has taken part in pro-life advocacy with Bound4LIFE — a grassroots movement to pray for the ending of abortion. She graduated from TheCall Institute at the International House of Prayer University in Kansas City, and earned a degree in social work from the University of Central Florida. Living in the Washington, DC area with her husband, Terri works at a leading Christian public policy organization.

You Say You Know the Facts about the Abortion Pill… But RU Sure?

It has now been 15 years since the U.S. approved the abortion pill, popularly known as RU-486, for consumer use.

Available in this country since September 2000, The Guttmacher Institute reports medical abortions (or chemical abortions) have grown more common—from 6 percent of all U.S. abortions in 2001 to 23 percent by 2011.

Photo: American Life League / Flickr

Photo: American Life League / Flickr

This alone should give us pause; are some praising the decline of abortion centers, while forgetting this increasingly common means of ending a pre-born child’s life?

As one involved in post-abortive counseling, the facts about the abortion pill greatly alarm me: how it came to be approved, what it does and its potential harm to women.

First, what is RU-486? Mifepristone is the abortion drug developed in the early 1980’s by French company Roussel-Uclaf. The sole purpose of RU-486, for which its sponsor sought U.S. government approval, was to stop a pre-born baby’s beating heart.

Early on, mifepristone was only 80 percent effective at inducing abortion, so a prostaglandin analog was added. It causes heavy bleeding, nausea, vomiting and painful uterine contractions. One of the major precautions before using this drug—listed clearly on its FDA warning label—is not to take it if you are over 7 weeks pregnant.

Photo: James Palinsad / Flickr

Photo: James Palinsad / Flickr

The pills do not work for approximately 5 percent of women who use RU-486, causing the women to return for surgical abortions—or, in some cases, to choose life for their child as occurred recently at a crisis pregnancy center. Promoters of the pill believe its use will help increase the number of doctors willing to perform abortions.

Which brings us to, how was this drug approved? The Clinton Administration overturned the ban on RU-486 in 1993 and the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) began an immediate fast track of the approval process.

The New York Times reported a complete history of the drug’s approval process in “Dangerous Medicine,” an investigation ending with serious concern over the drug’s uncontrolled clinical trials.

The FDA approved the drug using its “accelerated approval regulations,” created by Congress for drugs with higher risks that are better than current therapies for life-threatening illnesses like AIDS and cancer. Pregnancy, needless to say, is neither an illness nor inherently life-threatening.

Photo: Daniel Lobo / Flickr

Photo: Daniel Lobo / Flickr

Digging deeper into the details uncovers more misdeeds. The agency mandated a previously unapproved use for misoprostol, the second drug in the chemical abortion process—over the objections of the company that produced the drug. Further, the FDA approved RU-486 for use without safety directives, such as requiring an ultrasound to verify the age and location of the pregnancy.

Medical experts writing at the Elliot Institute review the flawed approval process in even greater depth, concluding: “RU-486 should be removed from the marketplace.”

But the abortion pill’s unsafe origin is not the whole story. What about the economics of RU-486 that cut against women’s health? Research has found that the abortion industry has often reduced the recommended dosage of mifepristone to 200 mg and dispensed the drug to women up to 9 weeks pregnant. Essentially: increase the volume of abortion procedures while decreasing standards of care.

Medical abortions are sold at twice the cost of a surgical abortion. Could this partly explain why Planned Parenthood abortion centers, starting in Iowa, are now using a “tele-med” process? This allows an off-site abortionist to prescribe the abortion pill to a female patient via a computer monitor.

For Sue Thayer, who worked at Planned Parenthood for 17 years, the introduction of webcam abortions was the last straw—causing her to leave the abortion giant and question their commitment to women’s health.

The determination to increase profits—or “excess revenues” to use the euphemism from Planned Parenthood annual reports—seems to be boundless.

Medical abortions are often presented as a less-invasive, more-natural procedure than surgical abortions. In truth, one cannot underestimate the emotional scarring. Women who abort medically experience the passage of their embryo firsthand and may see a recognizable body.

Though no long-term studies have yet been done, descriptions women give of encounters with their aborted children raise great concern. Women talk about seeing tiny fists, eyes—or seeing their aborted babies laying in the toilet bowl or swirling in the shower drain.

When symptoms of post-abortion trauma kick in, women who have had RU-486 abortions have more vivid memories and a greater sense of responsibility to deal with than those who underwent surgical abortions. In our own ministry, we have observed increased emotional trauma to those women who have had medical abortions.

Speaking from her own experience she regrets, Debby Efurd counsels post-abortive women (Photo Courtesy of Author)

Speaking from her own experience she regrets, Debby Efurd counsels post-abortive women (Photo Courtesy of Author)

What we know about RU-486 is disturbing, but what we don’t know is even more alarming. Women’s physical and emotional well-being are at risk. One of the principal precepts of medical intervention under a physician’s care is “First, do no harm.”

However, the very act of abortion, whether surgical or medical, is to do harm to the baby. For women undergoing such procedures, what we know of the side effects following an abortion—medical, emotional and psychological—only increases our misgivings about abortion as more research is conducted.

Those of us in the counseling and medical communities should not be alone in seeing chemical abortions as a threat to women’s health and safety. The truth is, what we don’t know can hurt us.

Note: If you have recently started the RU-486 process within the last 48 hours, there is an effective process for reversing the abortion. Medical professionals are standing by at (877) 558-0333 or find more information at

About Debby Efurd


Debby Efurd serves as president of Dallas-based Initiative 180 and its program of recovery, Peace After the Storm. She earned a bachelor’s degree in counseling from Dallas Baptist University. Debby is the author of Go Tell It! (which released in 2015) and a blogger for Bound4LIFE International, a grassroots movement to pray for the ending of abortion, carry the spirit of adoption, and believe for revival and reformation.